佛光大學 公共行政與國際事務學系 (原 公共事務學系) 


恭賀  本系助理教授 陳鴻章 博士 
得獎論文 : 變遷中的緬甸僑教再訪 ~ 以歷史制度論為主的分析
🎉 Congratulations! 🎉
Dr. Chen Hongzhang, Assistant Professor of our department, participated in the 111th Annual Overseas Community Affairs Council’s "New Pathways in Overseas Chinese Affairs Development and Global Chinese Studies Academic Symposium" and won the Best Paper Award in the Faculty Category.
Awarded Paper: "A Revisit of Overseas Chinese Education in Myanmar Amidst Change: An Analysis Based on Historical Institutional Theory".

  • 2022-11-07
  • public網站管理員