研究专长: 政治行销、政治传播、公共关系、创新治理、国际关系、国际贸易 (Political Marketing, Public Relationship, International Relations, Non-profit Organizations, Taiwan Research, Research Method, Sightseeing and Leisure)
研究专长: 公共政策、行政学、地方治理、质性研究方法、地方政府与政治、人力资源管理 (Public Policy,, Public Administration, Local Governance, Qualitative Research Method, Local Government and Politics, Human Resource Management)
研究专长: 公共治理、政策分析、社区营造、绩效管理、人力资源发展、研究方法 (Public Governance, Policy Analysis, Community Renaissance, Performance Management, Human Resource Development, Research Methods)
研究专长: 全球化与两岸政经关系、地方政府与政治、中国大陆政府与政治、中国大陆研究 (Globalization and Political Economy Relationship, Local Government and Politics, Mainland China 's Government and Politics,)
研究专长: 菁英研究、公共管理、组织行为、司法政治、政党与选举 (Elite Study, Public Management, Organizational Behavior, Judicial Politics, Political Parties and Elections, Political Communication,, Media and Political Marketing)
研究专长: 老人社会福利政策、公共管理、社区工作、质性研究 (Gerontology, The Leisure Sociology of aging, Non Profit Organizations and Social Enterprises, Health and Welfare Policy, Qualitative Research)
研究专长: 行销管理、消费者行为、网络行销、统计学、多变量分析、沟通与领导 (Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, Internet marketing, statistics, Multivariate analysis, Communication and leadership)